Friday, February 6, 2009

24 Weeks, 1 Day

Had the bioscan ultrasound this morning at 11. This is a scan that checks how things are generally with the girls. They check how the fluids move through the umbilical cord and through the placenta. Then we waited for what seemed like forever to see the doctor. Overall it was a very good appointment with the doctor. We had made the decision last night that I need to go into the hospital at 24 weeks for sheer peace of mind and to be monitored daily. I know it's not perfect monitoring, but it's better than once a week. This way, they will be able to do a bioscan every day to see how things are with the girls. If they see something they don't like they can assess the situation again in a couple of hours. For me, making the decision to wait until 27 weeks before being admitted is just something I would never be able to live with. This way, I know I've done everything I can and have to put my faith in God and pray that He keeps them safe! I know nothing will be wrong with them, but we need to be prepared for the 'what ifs'.

The tests are by no means perfect, the doctor was quite clear. The non-stress test (NST) is not an effective test until 28 weeks because any baby does not HAVE to show all signs of normal activity (i.e. consistent heart rate, breathing motions, kicking, etc) until about 28 weeks. In fact, 6 out of 10 babies do not show these signs. However, if they see something, they can readdress how things are in a few hours. So until the babies are big enough for the NST I will have ultrasounds every day. The doctor was very understanding of my emotional state and I believe she took that into consideration when she agreed to admitting me. We also spoke with the 'baby doctor' and he informed us of the risks associated with a 24-26 weeker. We know the risks and we know the consequences of maybe pulling them before they're really ready. However, I (and I'm sure Craig does too) that these little girls are growing inside of me for a reason and I have to trust that everything will be ok. I know they will be loved more than anything.

On to other stuff. Today, I am 24 weeks 1 day. One baby is measuring 24 weeks 4 days and the other is 25 weeks 3 days. So the doctor is quite happy with where they are, since they are in fact ahead of schedule and that they're roughly the same size.

Tuesday, mom is coming down to pick me up (I will have a temp leave from the hospital) to go to the Children's Hospital to have a closer look at one of their hearts. The doctor isn't sure exactly what the deal is, but that something is up with one heart. Could be that they were moving too much when they tried to take pics, or that the aorta and vena cava are not the size they should be at. Will keep everyone posted as to what that means when I find out on Tuesday.

Thank you to everyone for taking an interest in this blog and for your thoughts!



  1. We are so glad to hear that today's appointment went well - only 16 more weeks to go!!! Ben and Ally both want to wish you "good luck!!!" I'm sure that Cole does too, but he is sleeping. Ally thinks that you should name the girls Lily and Grace, and Ben thinks that Lauren and Alyssa are good choices. Rob has piped in with his selection - Gertrude and Bertha. So, you can mull that over if you wish. Talk to you soon.
    Lori, Rob, Ally, Ben and Cole

  2. Guess I already told you today but I'll tell you again...I'm proud of you!!
    Love ya's!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Lindsay
    All I can say is that I am so happy to hear about the kind of care your getting. We by far did not recieve the same kind of sensitivity or concern. It feels so good to know that someone else is not experiencing what i did with some of the london doctors and that they have grown from past experiences by making themselves knowledgeable of mono pregnancies. I swear i met almost all of them at st joes. They have some good ones over there thats for sure, and if they didn't i dont' know if i would of ever made it mentally. I got so see them off and on and they really helped me talk it through and help me see that there were doctors who were on the same page.It eased my mind on the harder days.
    This pregnancy already is stressful enough as it is. I can tell by your words and clear understanding that you are such a strong women. I would love to meet you and your husband sometime. And i look forward to meeting your precious little girls.
    Take care

  5. Jeff, Austin & I are thinking of the 4 of you... WE cant wait to meet the GIRLS!!! xoxo

  6. Hi from the Sunny South. we are really enjoying your blog. It is so informative and lots of times it clears up stuff. We miss you guys lots. I wish i could come home this weekend with your Dad, but unfortunately that can't happen for various reasons. I just want you to know we think about you often during every day. We are so very proud of you both. Dad is looking forward to seeing you. Be strong!
    Luv Rose
