Friday, March 20, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I figured it was about time we added some more recent photos on here! A lot has happened this week and we don’t have Internet in our room, so it makes it more difficult to add photos, but we have some good one’s to add. So sit back, and enjoy :)


Kangaroo Care with Alyssa

Playing peek-a-boo.

We got to do Kangaroo Care (skin-to-skin) with Alyssa while she was being fed. Craig had the honours of holding her breast milk in what is called ‘bolus’ feeding. Basically it is milk that goes directly into her stomach via gravity. So long as she can do this, she doesn’t have to go on ‘continuous’ feed which is a machine that continually puts food into her system. She is doing incredibly well with her feeding and is up to full feeds. I’m so proud of her accomplishments, especially for a 29-weeker!
She laid there and stared at her daddy the whole time. I was able to put my pinky finger in her mouth and she gave it 5 good sucks and would rest. I hope this means transitioning to breast feeding will be a breeze.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning the McCulloch Family..
    looks good hope all is going good. Thank you for the updates, pics and videos! Cant wait to see them and you and craig.

    Always in our Heads.
    Love the Hayter family.<3
