Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An update from mom on delivery

Craig has done such an excellent job keeping everyone up to date, but I thought some might like to hear from me.

We just figured out that we have Internet access in the lobby at the Delta and I have about 30 minutes before I have to pump again to update everyone. I would love to give you Friday the 13th from my persepctive.

After my nurse checked the girls at 615am I started having some pains at about 6:30am. They were similar to the pains I had had a few weeks ago before I found out that my cervix had opened up, and I just thought they were ligament pains. The only difference was that they were close to every 6 or 7 minutes and lasted about 30 seconds. So I got up around 8 and wanted to be showered and had my breakfast eaten before my ultrasound at nine. The nurse put on the NST because of what I said was going on and this is my nurse Rose that I will forever hold dear to my heart. She knew I was a tad concerned so did it to make me happy. Well the pains showed up every 3 minutes. Just as she took the thingys off, the resident popped in for her morning rounds. She casually asked the question I was asked every morning. Any bleeding, leaking, contractions? I said, I think I'm having contractions and showed her the strip. She looked at the nurse with her and said get me some gloves, we're going to check your cervix. I freaked a little on her because I know checking my cervix will irritate it even more. She looked up and said, we're going to have to do an emergency c-section. You're between 6-7cm. I said that can't be...I'm not in any pain!! I kept trying to move on my own and they finally had to yell at me to stop moving and let them do everything for me. It was starting to get hectac!

Everyone was really good and supportive (with the exception of a few OR nurses who had to be reminded by me that it was 'just' a c-section) even though I was totally on my own. I was upset only because I know Craig wanted to be there to help me through it, but I was good. The worst part I think was the spinal. The first needle they used wasn't long enough so they had to try again and then couldn't find a fluid pocket. Oh man, that was painful. But I got through it, and the girls were born at 11:20 and 11:21. Craig made it in at 11:45 just as they were cleaning up. At the end of the surgery before everything was stapled the nurses were counting equipment and they lost a clamp. It was a big joke because I told Dr. Seward, do what you gotta do, I don't want the clamp in me. He leaned over the curtain and said, are you sure you don't want to set off metal detectors every time you go into an airport? They literally spent 5 minutes looking for the clamp, moving blankets, double checking the placenta, and finally found it under a container! I remember at one point saying to the anestesiologist, "ok, I'm done." I was bored, they were taking so long to put everything back together! I guess it was major surgery! lol

I then went to the recovery room where the feeling started to come back to my toes. Mom and Dad were there, and Doug and Rose popped their head in. It was such a crazy morning, but I have two beautiful girls for it. They will both have a long road ahead of them, but they will be met with love and support wherever they go!

Craig has been such an amazing husband, and this entire experience has brought us closer and closer together. I couldn't imagine going through this with someone else. He has been so strong and so sensitive when I've needed him to be. He has handled the news of Mya incredibly well.



  1. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers - and we are praying for a miracle - they do happen once in a while! Stay strong, these girls are so lucky to have such amazing parents!!!

  2. Thanks so much for letting me see Alyssa on such a tough day for the both of you. We are checking in on you and the girls on a daily basis, and all of you are in our thoughts. You are both so strong, take care of eachother on this difficult road ahead. Rob and Lori are right, the girls are lucky to have amazing parents like you.

  3. Don't know when you will see this, but I just want to let you know that I am sending thoughts and hugs your way. Love you all.
